Alcohol Alert
Alcohol Alert Podcast
Walking the advocacy tightrope – a KBS 2017 special

Walking the advocacy tightrope – a KBS 2017 special

Alcohol Alert, June 2017: How do alcohol researchers promote their work in a policy environment fraught with tensions between policymakers, NGOs, and industry? This was a question four prominent research experts grappled with during a lunchtime seminar titled ‘Walking the advocacy tightrope: What role can researchers play in the alcohol policy process?’, a highlight of this year’s Kettil Bruun Society (KBS) symposium in Sheffield. This particular session was hosted by the Institute of Alcohol Studies, with contributions from Tim Stockwell, Michael Livingston, Pia Mäkelä, and Colin Angus, who all spoke frankly about their experiences as researchers in the alcohol policy field. By subscribing to our enewsletter, you can receive alcohol-related stories and media directly to your inbox; please visit our website and click on "Alcohol Alert" to read the latest Issue:

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